Sunday, August 5, 2012

Defining yourself

The world tends to throw labels on you like they know who you are. They think that just by one hint (clothing,taste in music,ect) they can understand the journey you have taken. People usually make judgments and assumptions by the first look. They judge off of all the little things they notice about you. They thing that they don't realize is people are who they are for a reason. Labels such as nerd, scene, jock, prep, band geek, bad boy, ect, are just what people think you are. They thing is they don't classify, they don't define who you are. Everyone has unique things about them that make them different. I believe you should never let people label you. Define yourself. People will under estimate you, that when you prove them wrong. They don't you until they've walked a mile in your shoes. Become who you want.