Sunday, August 5, 2012

Defining yourself

The world tends to throw labels on you like they know who you are. They think that just by one hint (clothing,taste in music,ect) they can understand the journey you have taken. People usually make judgments and assumptions by the first look. They judge off of all the little things they notice about you. They thing that they don't realize is people are who they are for a reason. Labels such as nerd, scene, jock, prep, band geek, bad boy, ect, are just what people think you are. They thing is they don't classify, they don't define who you are. Everyone has unique things about them that make them different. I believe you should never let people label you. Define yourself. People will under estimate you, that when you prove them wrong. They don't you until they've walked a mile in your shoes. Become who you want.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Why girls always have low self esteem.

When you look at society today if you aren't a certain size or have a certain body type then apparently you not attractive. When a girl get's harsh comments thrown at her no wonder she is feeling down. When she trying to hard to be something that is risking her own life from trying to lose those extra pounds. They don't realize how beautiful they are because society is trying to tell them who to be.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Make It Big!

 Life is so short to be wasting time pretending to be someone your not. You got be who you are and "Make It Big." Don't wait for the world toaccept you for being different, make them love it! Show them you don't need to follow the latest trends, because you make your own! The world's going to make you feel small, like you don't matter. The important thing is your rise above that! Be confident in yourself, even if someone thinks your a loser, don't waist your time on them. Be happy, smile often, love much. People are too easy to judge, but you can "Make It Big," as long as you make this life worth it by doing what you want. Smile through your tears, face your biggest fears, make a storm cloud break and pull up a sun, dance in the rain. Be Yourself. Make It Big. Make It Count.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's popular..

I'm no one to follow the crowd, or to be associated with events because it the new thing. I don't listen to music because it's popular. What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular. "However, popularity ends on yearbook day, but respect last a life time,"(Gordan B. Hickley) So I'd rather be who I want to be that be what's popular.
"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter. And those who matter don't mind,"(Dr.Seuss.)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Take a look at yourself, and make a change!

People are costantly talking about change,they want to make a difference. They sit there complaing about the world; yet either that don't do anything about it, or the blame the problem on someone else. If you really want to make a change you have to take a look at yourself. See what you can do to make the world a better place. If you want a change to happen you can't sit aroud expecting other people to do it for you, you have to make that step.
My Geography teacher once said,"You can't unknow what you already know. So make a change."
I hope you can look at yourself, and listen to MJ and make that change!! :D

Being Yourself

I'm a girl who's all about being your own person, don't let the world lable you. Be who you are, listen to the music you want to listen to, not because it's popular. I believe being yourself is the best quality because you can make the world better, because you have something that no one has your character. Please don't be discouraged by your personality, everyone has trials and tribulations. Be yourself because people would miss you and because you another snowflake in the world. Unique. Beautiful.Different.
The song I would like to go along with this quote is :Perfect:Pink

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What Beauty Really Is.

Beauty is thought of as glitz and glam. It's somehting that media shows as, if you don't have this kind of makeup or if your not a size 1 or 2 your not beatiful. Isn't it funny how media influences us. I think that when a girl is covered with pounds of makeup they aren't really that beatiful. Beatuy is a girl who is confident in herself and in others. When you look at a magazine and say "I'll never be like that girl." Well that's because that girl is computer made, You won't be like that, but your beautiful anyway. I beleive that beauty is really when you are confident, when you know who you are, and you know who your going to be come.