Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Make It Big!

 Life is so short to be wasting time pretending to be someone your not. You got be who you are and "Make It Big." Don't wait for the world toaccept you for being different, make them love it! Show them you don't need to follow the latest trends, because you make your own! The world's going to make you feel small, like you don't matter. The important thing is your rise above that! Be confident in yourself, even if someone thinks your a loser, don't waist your time on them. Be happy, smile often, love much. People are too easy to judge, but you can "Make It Big," as long as you make this life worth it by doing what you want. Smile through your tears, face your biggest fears, make a storm cloud break and pull up a sun, dance in the rain. Be Yourself. Make It Big. Make It Count.

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